IRCC will be launching 2 new 5 year Caregiver immigration Pilot Program
IRCC will be launching 2 new 5 year Caregiver immigration Pilot Program later this year announcement made by minister on 23rd February 2019

Key lights:
Caregivers will soon have access to 2 new 5-year caregiver immigration pilots that will replace expiring and ineffective pilot programs in Nov 2019.
The new pilots will allow caregivers to come to Canada together with their family and provide a pathway to permanent residence.
Caregivers will also soon have greater flexibility to change jobs quickly
Under the new pilots, applicants will be assessed for permanent residence criteria before they begin working in Canada.
Once the caregiver has their work permit and 2 years of work experience, they will have access to a direct pathway to become a permanent resident.
Quick facts:
The processing time for new applications from those who were grandfathered into the LCP (Live in Caregiver) is 12 months instead of the peak of 60 months previously.
Applications under the Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs pilots continue to be processed in 6 months or less.
Both the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot will launch later this year and have a maximum of 2,750 principal applicants each, for a total of 5,500 principal applicants, per year